Thursday 16 September 2010

Keyword Search Engine For the Masses

Keyword spy software has become very popular with marketers who run pay per click campaigns. The best services are generally expensive monthly subscriptions. But now a new keyword spy service with a low one-time fee has become available, making it the candidate keyword search engine for the masses.

Brad Callen, author of the well known "Elite" series of keyword tools, including Keyword Elite, Affiliate Elite, and SEO Elite, has come out with a free Firefox browser plugin that allows anyone to peer inside the PPC campaigns of AdWords advertisers. He calls it PPC Web Spy.

What will you see with this magic tool? For starters, the keywords on which each advertiser is bidding and the ad copy they are using for those keywords. This is the same information that is provided by the monthly subscription sites, like Keyword Spy. Of course, there is a catch, as there always is with free software.

The catch is that you will only be able to see a random sample of 10 keywords from each advertiser's account. This is just enough to get you hooked, and that is the idea. Once you have downloaded the plugin and started using it, it won't be long before you see the tempting UPGRADE button at the bottom of the keyword popup screen - the one that encourages you to purchase the Platinum version of the plugin and get up to 100 of the advertiser's most profitable keywords.

Is it really worth upgrading? Well, if you can afford the expensive monthly subscription rate of a service like Keyword Spy then I recommend you go with that. You'll get basically unlimited access to ALL the keywords that each advertiser is using to run their ads. But if you aren't yet a serious pay per click advertiser, the inexpensive Platinum version of PPC Web Spy is well worth the investment.

After you have installed PPC Web Spy you will find that all AdWords advertisements appear with a green "View Keywords" button. Click on the button and you get a popup screen with keywords, ad copy, average cost per keyword, daily ad spend, and the number of clicks per day for the advertiser.

For any AdWords advertiser, this information is gold, and it won't be long before you find it strange to view AdWords advertisements WITHOUT the PPC Web Spy program switched on (there is a toggle in the lower right part of your Firefox browser which allows you to turn it off).

So how effective is the application?

Initially, when I first downloaded the PPC Web Spy program I noticed that the application would sometimes put up the "no loading" icon but refuse to load any keywords. I suspected that the advertisers for these adverts had very large keyword lists. But it seems that the PPC Web Spy service goes through upgrades and when this happens you will be prompted to re-download the plugin. This only takes a few seconds and you are back up and running (though a browser restart is necessary). So the service is constantly improving.

I find that I use this PPC Web Spy software virtually all the time now when performing Google searches. Is it the BEST keyword spy application out there? No. But I believe, for now, it's the best low-cost keyword spy software that you are likely to get your hands on.

Stephen Carter is a software developer and internet marketer. To learn more about PPC Web Spy and what bonus items are available to it's customers, check out his review of the PPC Web Spy program at

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Friday 10 September 2010

Google Money Pro Review

My Google Money Pro review is going to end with a thumbs up. I am also going to suggest that if you buy the product, you offset the cost of Google Money Pro by reviewing it yourself and getting paid to do so.

If you advertise using Google AdWords you'll have figured out for yourself that pay per click marketing is not for the easily intimidated. Google does its best to deter all but the most knowledgeable advertisers. Those $5 and $10 minimum bids that are blocking you are Google's way of saying "You don't know enough about the game of pay per click advertising for us to bother working with you. Come back when you've figured it out."

So what can you do to get back into Google's good graces?

Read Google Money Pro for starters. Unlike a lot of the other Adwords guides out there, this one is actually written by someone who knows the game inside out. Steven Holdaway is a Google Qualified Advertising Professional. What this means is that he is one of the few serious AdWords users to have been certified by Google as an expert in the art of Google AdWords advertising. To even qualify for the testing requires that you spent thousands of dollars per week in AdWords fees.

Holdaway earns around $160,000 per month from his AdWords campaigns, while spending less than a quarter of this amount on his AdWords fees. All the knowledge he has gained from more than seven years of dealing with Google on a daily basis has ended up in his book Google Money Pro. Better yet, he does all this simply by creating campaigns that help sell the products of other vendors. His Google AdWords expertise takes him beyond the realm of the regular super affiliates, and makes him exactly the kind of person you want to learn from.

Fortunately his Google Money Pro product turns out to be an easy to follow, step by step, illustrated guide. If you intend to make a go of pay per click marketing, then Holdaway's instruction will put you on a solid foundation for profitability.

If you want to know what makes him really successful, and this is something explained in detail in Google Money Pro itself, it is that Holdaway has figured out how to set up his campaigns in the way that Google wants them to be set up. He knows how to query the AdWords machine to get advice on all the keywords that he ought to be using. Rather than hitting his head against the wall, and coming up with his own keywords - which is the kind of thing that can lead to those $5 and $10 minimum bid prices - Google tells him what kind of keywords he needs to use to run profitable campaigns.

Holdaway has also mastered the art of manipulating his AdWords Quality Score to bring his bid prices way down. In the book he shows you what he does to maintain an average bid price of just 8 cents across all campaigns.

So, that's Google Money Pro in a nutshell. The book is 150+ pages of just the kind of material you want from someone who has tamed Google AdWords and understands how to pass that knowledge on to you. If you are at all serious about dominating Google AdWords, this is one very good title to have on your shelf.

If you decide to buy a copy of Google Money Pro, instead of thanking me for pointing you in the direction of a great resource, why not write your own review of the book when you're done? I'll even pay you up to $30 for your review (click on the link for details) and then make it available to others so they can benefit from your experience.

Stephen Carter is the creator of a recognized review application.

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Tuesday 7 September 2010

Google Money Pro Vs Google Money Pro2

Make $160,000 every single month without owning a website or a product is the slogan on the Google Money Pro website.

Is it possible using the Google Money Pro AdWords system to make this amount of money every month?

I was fortunate enough to have bought this product about a year and a half ago. Back then it was Google Money Pro, and now it is called Google Money Pro 2. Wow, what a huge change.

Just like everyone else, I looked at the sales letter and then at the proof on Steven Holdaway's (the authors) site. Well, he had undisputable proof that he actually does make $160,000 each and every month. In fact the sales figures shown on his website is quite impressive.

Steven Holdaway, recently revamped his AdWords system, not that the concepts in the first version was out dated, but more that he has enhanced the old version to include video and fleshed out some of the core concepts to make it a little easier for people to follow.

I found it extremely difficult to follow one of his core concepts in the first version, in fact it was one of the more critical concepts of his system. And it is, how to gather up keywords for your AdWords campaigns.

I was a little new to AdWords at the time and so it was difficult to understand how he expanded his keyword list. Until of course, Google Money Pro 2, where he introduces video lessons. Once I watched the lesson on keyword gathering I understood the concept immediately. Because if you get this part wrong then Steven's method for making $160,000 every month goes out the window.

So here are some of his core concepts:

1) Create a huge targeted keyword list.

While other AdWords marketers choose a small but tightly focused keyword list for their AdWords campaigns, Steven exposes a lot of the high converting keywords with low or no advertiser competition. This is because advertisers are too lazy to develop their keyword lists and as such there are a huge number of untapped money making keywords ready for the picking.

2) How to ensure good Quality Score to gain lower minimum bids.

If you have ever been hit by a $15 minimum bid then this section will help immensely. He shows his method of developing ad copy that matches your landing pages and ensures you get a low Quality Score.

3) Use the Content network.

Other AdWords systems suggest you start a campaign by only using the Search network. Steven's system is totally different. Steven's method does not exclude the content network, in fact he promotes the use of the content network in all of your campaigns.

Who will benefit from this book?

Although this book has a lot of detail both for beginner and the advanced student, I would suggest that it is more suitable for the intermediate to advanced AdWords marketer. Only because there is a lot of work involved to develop a single campaign before you actually see results and if you get things wrong along the way then it could produce some unwanted results.

Once you start making sales using AdWords then this is the time to introduce Google Money Pro 2 to your AdWords marketing strategy. It will, help develop your existing AdWords campaign revenue potential to it fullest.

Get a more detailed review of Google Money Pro. Or go to and type in the keyword Google Money Pro

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Thursday 2 September 2010

Gaining an AdWords Advantage? Google Money Pro 2 Review

This article is a review of Google Money Pro 2, a Google AdWords course designed by Steven Holdaway, veteran Internet Marketer and one of 800 to receive Google's "Qualified Advertising Professional" distinction. This course covers everything from basic AdWords principles to advanced keyword selection techniques, AdWords approaches and campaign management and seeks to help users gain an AdWords advantage with Google's ad system.

Being an AdWords user myself, I've always been wary of programs like Google Money Pro 2 when they're released since they are usually accompanied by ad copy and spectacular claims of huge profits (this one is no exception). The big thing that led me to pull the trigger and buy this program however was the video offered on the website that backs up these claims: a live login to Holdaway's Clickbank account and the resulting reports (this by the way is worth checking out even if you're not interested in the course).

That aside, the following is what I was hoping to get out of this program after purchasing:

1) AdWords information beyond just "how to create an AdWords account", "how to setup a campaign", etc.

2) New and profitable techniques for gaining an advantage with AdWords

3) Valuable information on managing campaigns

4) Specifics about what NOT to do in an AdWords campaign

Goal #1: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Since I was looking to dive right in to the good stuff, all the air came out of my tires when I saw the title "What is Google AdWords" in the table of contents. However, because there was so much more information in the TOC (3 pages worth) I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

All in all, there are many pages that deal with AdWords basics and setting up your account. Not terribly useful to me but I can understand including it so that even the novice can take advantage of the course. The remainder of the course also contains exceptional information so I was able to get past it. The section of the course titled "Increasing Google Profits" really gets into the guts of AdWords and guides you through some approaches that you're not likely to uncover on your own.

Goal #2: 5 out of 5 stars

Profitable techniques for gaining an advantage with AdWords I think are one of Google Money Pro 2's biggest strengths. This course presents a lot of information regarding keyword list building, writing ad copy and split testing with excellent advice on how to fine tune a campaign from inception to launch to optimization.

A few VERY valuable things you don't find very often (if at all) in AdWords courses:

o How to fine tune your bid prices so that you don't get taken to the cleaners for ad positions you don't need

o Dealing with Inactive Keywords without paying more (this was a big one for me)

o How to take profitable ads and make them even more successful (the best of these are ad copy techniques and methods for pushing hot buttons with searchers.

Another thing that I was surprised to see is that this course actually recommends the Google Content Network and how to use it to your advantage. Most courses usually tell you to stay away from this for a variety of reasons but it's clearly demonstrated here that you can possibly achieve better ROI using the Content Network.

Again, there are many basic AdWords "How To's" for the beginner sprinkled throughout the technique explanations but it's easy enough to just skip over them.

Goal #3: 5 out of 5 stars

For me, managing an AdWords campaign and tracking results is just about intensive as creating the campaign itself. It was nice to see a successful AdWords pro layout their process for how they manage their campaigns after launch. It's easy to get lost trying to figure out EXACTLY how your ads are doing and what needs to be fixed or removed. This material also includes a process for incorporating Google Analytics into your daily routine - another thing you don't usually come across in these courses.

Goal #4: 5 out of 5 stars

Since what NOT to do in an AdWords campaign can often be the difference between success and utter failure with AdWords, this is the information I was most interested in obtaining with this course. Though the information appears in different places throughout the course, the value of this information, in my opinion, is worth the price of the course.

As many AdWords user know, the Google Quality Score plays a major role in determining the overall placement and ultimate costs of your campaigns. Google Money Pro 2 contains the most thorough explanation of this score that I've come across. In my experience, information like this is very difficult to come by and has fundamentally changed the way I execute campaigns.

Information describing Google's rules and what you can expect if you violate them is also included. Though this information can be found on different sections of Google's site, it is compiled here in one place and serves as a good reference if you want to avoid being banned or simply to adjust your campaigns for the algorithm changes that Google implements from time to time (I'm sure AdWords users are well aware of the recent change that shook up the internet marketing community).

My Total Score: 4.75 out of 5 stars


Overall, this is a solid course on AdWords that does contain the common "getting started" material that beginner's need but also a lot of valuable insights from an extremely successful AdWords professional with very little fat and filler. Google Money Pro 2 has a slightly higher price point than some other AdWords courses but again, I think the Quality Score information is worth at least that.

Additionally, I've read a lot of AdWords courses but this is the first I've actually laid eyes on from one of Google's Qualified Advertising Professionals and the first I've seen that was supported by convincing proof that wasn't simply a screen shot or a simple claim in the website text. Ultimately, in my opinion, many of the tips can certainly increase your ability to make money but I think more importantly, can increase your ability to avoid pitfalls and failing completely.

James Lingk is an AdWords professional and internet entrepreneur. If this review was helpful to you and you would like more information on the AdWords course mentioned above, please click here [] You can also get more tips like these by visiting my lens []

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